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Project Overview
The Rooipunt Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Project located in the Northern Cape Province is a 150 megawatt solar thermal power station incorporating 12 hours of full load storage (1,800 megawatts-hours). Rooipunt will deliver about 730 gigawatt-hours of power annually – providing fully dispatchable baseload electricity to the network when electricity is needed most. Storage will enable the solar thermal station to operate just like a conventional coal, gas or nuclear power station, reliably generating electricity day and night – except without any emissions.
In addition to helping South Africa meet its electricity needs with zero-emissions power that is available around the clock, the Rooipunt project will bring long lasting economic benefits to the region. The project is expected to create up to 6,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs during construction, the majority of which will be in South Africa, and around 75 long-term jobs during the operations phase. During the construction period, more than 45% of capital costs will be spent on South African content. The project will have a significant Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) shareholding, and a percentage of total project revenues will be set aside for enterprise and socioeconomic development which will be invested for the benefit of local communities each year.
- Location: Upington, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
- Technology: Solar Thermal with Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage
- Size: 150 MW facility output
- Storage: 12 hours of full load storage (1,800 MWh), enabling on-demand energy production day and night to meet South Africa’s peak demand periods
- Electricity Production: 730 gigawatt-hours annually
- Homes Powered: Equivalent of about 320,000 homes, day and night
- Dry Cooling: Significantly reduces the use of water, saving millions of litres of water each year
- Project Status: Advanced development
- Supports South Africa in meeting its energy supply targets, stimulating long-term economic development, and creating new jobs and businesses
- Brings the most advanced solar technology to South Africa
- Energy storage provides a non-intermittent electricity supply to meet South Africa’s peak demand requirements, day and night
- Completely emission free, with no requirement for natural gas or oil back up
- Provides long term enterprise and socio-economic development investments for the benefit of local communities
- 750,000 tonnes of CO2 will be displaced each year
- Equity investment and debt provided by local and international lending institutions including DFIs, with a significant Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) shareholding
- More than 45% of capital costs spent on South African content during the construction period
- Significant Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) shareholding
- 6,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs created during construction
- 800 construction jobs on site at peak
- Equipment and services purchased across South Africa
- 75 full-time, permanent jobs for operations and maintenance